b'MyGOAL Autism 5 Years of Eleo. 5 Nonprofit Success Stories.BasedinMonmouthJunction,NJ,MyGOALAutismexiststosupportHow Has Eleo Enhanced Your Fundraising?familiesfacingautism,offeringeducation,marriagecounseling,andEleo has made fundraising simpler and more targeted. For example, we know advocacy as they navigate through the complex challenges associatedexactly who attended our events so we can convert them into donors. We with the journey of autism, from diagnoses to recovery or a better qualitycan send email or paper mail based on their preferences. We also know who oflife.ThevisionofMyGOALAutismistorestorelivesandfamiliesdonated, when, and how much so we can target appropriately.affected by autism through education and empowerment. Dr. Genevieve KumapleyfoundedMyGOALAutismin2008andservesasExecutive Director. Why Do You Still Use Eleo 5 Years Later?Eleo is easy to use and very affordable. If we have trouble, we can make Why MyGOAL Autism Chose Eleo aphonecallandgethelprightaway.Wevebuiltrelationshipswiththe MyGOALAutismwasusingExcelfordonormanagementwhenDr.same people who have been there since the beginning. That consistency is Kumapley discovered Eleo at a nonprofit conference and saw a demoimportant.of the software. She noticed that Eleo offered a number of features to perform tasks that she had been managing manually with spreadsheets. Describe Eleo in 3 WordsDr.KumapleystartedexploringdonormanagementsoftwarefromUser-friendly / Affordable / Personabledifferent vendors, but only Eleo offered robust features that would meet the requirements of MyGOAL Autism at such an affordable price. Advice for First-Time Eleo Users 3 Favorite Eleo Features Carve out time to learn the system. Initially, I would try to learn as I go. If you End-of-Year Reporting. The ability to pull reports for top fundraisers andmake time to watch the videos, you can be much more efficient and generate contact lists, and compare this data with previous years, helps MyGOALreports more quickly. Im very data-driven, so this is important to me. Also, if Autism fine tune its marketing strategies. you have ideas for new features, the Eleo team is very responsive and eager to improve the product.Events. MyGOAL Autism uses the events feature to track activity and create customized ticketing for major events, integrating EventBrite and social media to promote each event.Gifts. Gift entry and fundraising tracking simplifies the process of tracking gifts and sending thank you notes throughout the year.4'