Fundraising has taken a hit in terms of donors and dollars since peaking in 2020. According to the Fundraising Effectiveness Project’s quarterly report in June, there were 3.4 percent fewer donors and 2.8 percent fewer dollars supporting nonprofits in 2023. This follows data from 2022 that showed a 10.7 percent drop in donors and 1.7 percent drop in dollars. The biggest declines have been with supersize donors (more than $50,000) and major donors ($5,000-$50,000).
Needless to say, donor retention has never been more important. For small nonprofits with limited staffing and resources, it’s time to get creative and implement cost-effective strategies for keeping the donors you already have!
One way to retain more donors is with gratitude that goes beyond the automated “thank you” email that donors receive after making a donation. Showing genuine appreciation for donors through a strategic thank you campaign will help establish a culture of gratitude that drives your donor stewardship efforts.
Here are seven ideas to incorporate into a year-long donor thank you campaign!
1) Handwritten Letters
When was the last time you received a handwritten letter in the mail? Imagine how a donor would feel about your nonprofit when opening and reading a letter from a staff member, board member, volunteer, or someone who benefited from their gift. That’s a lot of goodwill for the cost of postage!
2) Personal Emails and Texts
People receive generic, mass emails and texts all the time. An email or text with a personal message of gratitude from one individual to another is likely to be opened, read, and remembered.
3) Greeting Cards for Life Events
While this isn’t exactly a thank you, it does show you care enough to reach out to donors when they get married, have a child or grandchild, retire, have a milestone anniversary, or lose a loved one.
4) Social Media Shoutouts
Thanking donors publicly on social media shows the world how much you value donors. It could also inspire others to give! With the donor’s permission, share a photo and a short story about their involvement with your nonprofit and the impact of their gifts.
5) Videos
A professionally produced video would be fantastic. However, a video created with a smartphone that expresses gratitude to an individual donor and highlights their relationship with your nonprofit is very authentic and powerful!
6) Report Highlights
Annual reports and impact reports are perfect opportunities to spotlight and thank donors and convey what they mean to your small nonprofit. For donors who read these reports and use data to at least partly inform their giving decisions, thanking donors is a must.
7) Donor Recognition
Beyond personal emails, texts, letters, and social media posts, formal recognition of donors at fundraising events and annual donor appreciation events can help improve donor retention. Also, plaques, signage, awards, and naming of facilities serve as lasting symbols of your appreciation for donors.
Bonus Tip: Put It on the Calendar!
As a general rule, it won’t happen if it’s not on the calendar! Use a calendar to map out each “thank you,” as well as the activities that need to be completed to carry out each “thank you.” Delegate responsibilities and track activity to maintain accountability and keep your thank you campaign on track.
Of course, you don’t have to use every thank you campaign idea on this list. The key is to choose what you can manage and be consistent! Engage donors regularly, make communication both personal and strategic, and make thanking donors a habit for everyone involved with your nonprofit!