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Event planning: Raise your funds beforehand [Video]

By January 23, 2017July 2nd, 2018Donor Outreach

Planning an event matters tremendously to its ultimate success. If your nonprofit holds only one of two large annual fundraisers a year, your team must put an immense amount of work into each of them to ensure they unfold without a problem. This involves reserving perfect venues, caterers, and musicians, or organizing the best activities or speakers.

Successful fundraisers procure the majority of their funds beforehand. If your team does its fundraising work ahead of time, the event will be more of a celebration of the money raised for your cause, rather than an attempt to raise all the funds at the event.

Before you begin planning, know your fundraising goal and how you hope to raise your money. Ask yourself the right questions to determine what format or medium would work best for your organization. Some of the most effective ways to collect donations before your event include sponsorships, large ticket raffles, and ad journals.

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