Calling all hippotherapy practitioners! The AHA 7th International Biennial Conference is something you won’t want to miss. The conference is hosted by the American Hippotherapy Association (AHA), a 501 C 3 non-profit organization that provides educational resources and continuing education courses for occupational therapy, physical therapy, and speech language pathology professionals who incorporate equines and equine movement in their treatments.
Different Topics That Will Be Covered
This year’s theme is “On The Right Track” and will be held on March 21-23, 2019, in Lexington, Kentucky. It promises to be full of groundbreaking information in the hippotherapy field that will benefit current hippotherapy users as well as practitioners. Some of the many fascinating presentations you can expect to see at this year’s hippotherapy conference include:
- Research projects that investigate the use of hippotherapy
- New or traditional treatment techniques that can be incorporated with hippotherapy techniques
- Different hippotherapy equipment
- Skills and techniques for working with horses during therapy sessions
- Selection and training ideas for therapy horses
- Business topics pertinent to therapists utilizing hippotherapy
- Insurance and third party funding issues for hippotherapy users as well as hints, tips, and traps to be on the lookout for
- Issues and solutions for treating specific impairments or functional limitations with hippotherapy