In the past few years, many nonprofits have had to climb uphill battles they never expected, and unfortunately a number have even had to close their doors. The good news for Giving Tuesday is that donation levels haven’t faltered. Communities, corporations, and foundations have rallied around nonprofit organizations.
As you may know from past years, Giving Tuesday requires a full team effort. This year, is your nonprofit short-staffed due to layoffs? Are you worried you won’t have time to focus on Giving Tuesday during this year of unprecedented hardship?
Eleo is here to help.
Below we have compiled 5 Quick Tips for a Successful, Last-Minute Giving Tuesday. These tips are meant to get you up and running for Giving Tuesday, even if you’re crunched for time.
Tip #1 – Do a quick review on what Giving Tuesday is.
To learn about Giving Tuesday, we recommend checking out these short articles –
Learn About Giving Tuesday as an Organization
Eleo’s Giving Tuesday Tips
Background on Giving Tuesday
Tip #2 – Have a few branding materials on hand.
This will include logos, a few pictures, and your organization’s general tone. You will use these branding materials across your Giving Tuesday efforts. Want to learn more about how to brand your nonprofit? Check out some tips and tricks here. If you’re really crunched for time, it can also be helpful to download and use the official organization’s “grab and go” branding items. Click here to check them out. In either circumstance, your message should be clear, concise and match your organizational voice.
Tip #3 – Create two online giving pages specifically for Giving Tuesday.
Your first online giving page should be a standard donation page. Your second online page should be an Interest Form. Why these two?
Well, the donation form is straight forward – it will allow you to collect standard donations, recurring donations, donor information, and other pertinent donor data. The Interest Form is just as important. Providing an interest form to donors allows people who aren’t in a financial position to give, to still stay involved with your organization.
Need help getting started on your online forms? Click here.
Tip #4 – Put your forms live and test, test, test.
This may sound self-explanatory, at first blush. However, it’s important to do a quick brainstorm about where your forms will go; and, who is going to put them there. For example, it is critical to have a ‘Giving Tuesday Donate Now’ button front and center on your website. Be sure to have your tech savvy volunteer or employee put this live about a few days before Giving Tuesday begins. Test the new website button before the big day to ensure it is functioning properly.
Tip #5 – Create a punchline. Keep it simple.
How does a small nonprofit break through the noise, especially if it’s a last-minute effort?
Instead of drafting massive amounts of written content and organizational success stories, hone in your messaging to something small. Think: Nike’s ‘Just Do It’ or Walmart’s ‘Save Money. Live Better.’
Countless nonprofits will have generated copious amounts of content. It’s okay that you’re in a different situation. Choose a short phrase, or even a few words, that represent where your nonprofit is at, during this time of crisis. Be honest. Be raw. Donors will appreciate the minimalism and instant impact.
We’re in this together.
If anything has been made crystal clear in these last few years – it’s the importance of our nonprofit communities. You have stepped up, manned the front lines, and ensured that those impacted the most, were never alone. This Giving Tuesday, you deserve to feel that same reciprocity. Even if you feel behind, rest assured you can still put together a successful Giving Tuesday effort and increase your end-of-year fundraising using these simple tips.
Are you a small or mid-sized nonprofit trying to organize your donors? Eleo is here to help. Give us a call at 844-676-3536 or click here to watch a quick demo.