Fundraising April 15, 2019 How to Kickstart Major Gift Fundraising for Small Shops According to a recent article from philanthropy and fundraising expert Gail Perry, we could very… Chelsea Grossman Love0
Donor OutreachNonprofit Start-Up Toolkit March 12, 2019 4 Tips for Writing Thank You Letters that Make Donors Feel Appreciated Donors who feel appreciated are more likely to donate again. Here's 4 ways to write… Chelsea Grossman Love0
Events February 26, 2019 Maximize Your Fundraising Potential at AFP ICON 2019 Eleo can’t wait for the Association of Fundraising Professionals - AFP ICON 2019, the world’s… admin Love0
Fundraising February 22, 2019 Why Every Nonprofit Needs a Monthly Giving Program: 5 Steps for Getting Started In the world of nonprofit fundraising, you have heavy downpours and you have steady, light… Chelsea Grossman Love0
Events February 15, 2019 Get On The Right Track At AHA’s 7th International Biennial Conference Calling all hippotherapy practitioners! The AHA 7th International Biennial Conference is something you won’t want… Chelsea Grossman Love0
Donor OutreachE-GuidesFundraising January 22, 2019 Free E-Guide: How to Cultivate Donor Relationships that Last a Lifetime Every phaseof the nonprofit-donor relationship brings different expectations, challenges, strategies and goals. This E-Guide offers… admin Love0
Donor Outreach January 18, 2019 Why Women Give: Understanding What’s Important to Female Donors According to the U.S. Department of Labor, women’s participation in the labor force has increased… Chelsea Grossman Love0
Nonprofit News January 2, 2019 Top 10 2018 Nonprofit Blogs on Fundraising and Donor Management Every year we try to provide resources, tips, work-arounds and industry insight into a variety… admin Love0
Nonprofit News December 11, 2018 Succession Planning for Nonprofits: How to Create a Plan and Identify Future Leaders A lack of succession planning is a major problem that creates significant risk for nonprofits.… Chelsea Grossman Love0